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Image by Edwin Andrade

Why we do this

Catholic Church reverence tradition

As a response to the decline of passionate youth, we strive to create the most effective resources for those who interact with youth to share the truth and beauty of the faith. We do so through an apostleship model that shares primary resources, promotes organic conversation, and speaks the truth with tact but without apology.

Our Vision

Originally founded by youth, Torchbearer Ministries empowers teenagers to fall in love with the beauty of Christ and His Church, and to live their lives as a reflection of that love in their world.​

Our Mission

Inspired by his and his siblings' experience with "youth group," Connor founded TorchBearer Ministries in 2018 as a way to develop more effective models of ministry with teens. TBM has since launched their flagship tool Ignite in the fall of 2020, and their Spanish version Encender in 2023. With a background in the fields of theology, psychology, music, film, and business, Connor's work in ministry has focused on empowering others to see the faith as a way of life.

When not working with parishes, Connor spends his time running a film studio in California with his wife, Rachael. 

Meet Connor | Founder/CEO

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